Tuesday, March 17, 2009

busy giler..

i thought dis break will give me a chance to enjoy my life after 24 hours non-stop studying at *****...unfortunately, my sis is going to get married this thursday...sow, a lot of preparation need to be done..as the only son at my house, i got a lot of things to do...so tired n meletihkan..hahaha...damn u my bro!!da tau nk kenduri sengaje lak blik lmbt ek...penat aku sowang2 bt keje tau...the preparation is so kelam kabut cam ribut yg sibuk nk berebut-rebut..ha3..at first, my father decided to do the wedding ceremony at our house...but, as u know..skrang nie musim hujan and the parking lot is becak..wahahaha...so, he decided to do it inside a dewan near my house...penat2 jerk aku angkut pasir letak kt park lot xnak bg becak...huh!!..2 days more before the wedding...i hope everything will work as we planned...btw..i dont have any time to study..hope god bless me..huhuhuh

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Old friends, new friends..

I have just check on my friendster profile..just in case if I have comment to reply or post to make...Suddenly, the 'search friends' box appear on top of my profile and stated that 'search friends from skppg'. Skppg was my primary school and I was very anxious to search some of my ex classmate..I don't know why..but, at that particular moment, I remembered back some of them..The vision started to come and they appeared vividly in my head..mere, budik, mc wa, hajar, umar, and many more!! I tried to search them..Well, some of them already added in my profile..I was so happy when I found one of them that I haven't meet or talk for almost 5 years!! I checked on her profile and leaved a comment just to make sure I am not making a mistake. Minutes after that, I got a comment from her!! Yes, I was not making a mistake, she was my classmate when both of us in standard six..I was so happy and glad that I have found her...When I searching, I noticed one of hundreds name that appeared..It looked familiar..Then, I remembered my best friend when I was at kindergarten..I never met him after I enter primary school until now..He moved away with his family...I viewed his profile..I was not so sure whether he is the right person or not..I couldn't recognize him from his profile's picture..Well, only he could confirmed it..I'm still waiting for him to give some respond..Hopefully, he is the right men. Wow..friendster really could bring us together...hahaha

Monday, March 2, 2009


Tonite..i dunno what had happen to me..
tonite..i feel very fed up with my life..
tonite..i got a lot of homework to do..
tonite..i still didn't do any of them..
tonite..i hope i could stay up late to study calculus..
tonite..it is just a circular motion of every night..
tonite..i will sleep without doing the homeworks..
tonite..i will try my best to fight the devils..
tonite..i have to do the homeworks first then go to sleep..
tonite..tomorrow's nite will be the same again...
as it is the usual nite for every student here..

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baru ku tahu...

baru ku tahu..aku dah 5x tukar no hp..
baru ku tahu..dah 4 bijik hp aku pakai..
baru ku tahu..baru 3x aku tukar aweks..
baru ku tahu..amat sedikit gambar aku berseorangan..
baru ku tahu..laptopku belum ditutup sejak semalam..
baru ku tahu..homework banyak gile..
baru ku tahu..procrastination is not a good thing to me..
baru ku tahu..aku perlu start buat homework dari sekarang..
baru ku tahu..lawa jugak gamba yg aku baru edit tadi..
baru ku tahu..dah 10x aku tulis 'baru ku tahu'..cukup ah!!!

AnoTheR bUsY WeEk

i thought there will be no more busiest week ever...serve my right..this week i have a lot of works to do..study for culculus ( quiz on wednesday ), prepare the script for forum ( have to submit or present on monday-quite not so sure), demonstrative speech ( tuesday ), and finally -i think- engine video ( hav to submit this week)...
i haven't touch them all..procrastinator is not a good thing..better start now than never...wakakakaka

Friday, February 27, 2009

kapau yg confident

place-gentlemen toilet, 2nd floor, atas surau

aku,gborn,kapau n lan sedang melakukan ritual harian kami...

gborn : bile ah kte cuti?
jukie : bln 3 kot..cuti midsem..
gborn : sblum tue kite cuti maal hijrah r..wape aribulan ah?
jukie : xtau
lan : mengelengkan kepalanya sambil menyedut..
kapau : ko tnye jukie memang r die xtau, kn br convert Islam tue..

semua gelak..

jukie : (dlm ati)mentang2 r aku itam..die tue buncit lg boroi..
kapau : 1 muharram r..
jukie : eleh..kalo ko pandai sgt 1 muharram tue wape ari bln?
kapau : satu muharram ah..
jukie : siot..
gborn : ye ke 1 muharram?
kapau : ye lah..(dgn confident-nye menyanyi dgn suara sengau) 1 muharram detik permulaan..bla3
gborn : weh, tue awal muharram r..bkn maal hijrah!!

semua gelak kt die plak..(padan muke, men-doggie aku lg)

moral of the story : klu xthu ckp xthu, jgn maen petik jer..kn xpsl2 dpt malu tue..

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hidupku xde aktiviti..

nk buat pe nie? borim r
nk maen futsal cam malas jer
nak tido takut nanti xbangun2 lak
nak mandi...dah mandi r
ah belum....
solat lu yuk...